Domino Logic to speed Cortex-R4

1 min read

An agreement between ARM and Intrinisty is set to produce high performance implementations of the ARM Cortex processor family. The first of these is the R4X, which is said to double the clock frequency of Cortex-R4 processors created using standard synthesis techniques.

Various configurations of the Cortex-R4 processor will be available as Cortex-R4X implementations, and these will be targeted at a range of silicon processes. The first implementation will operate at 600MHz under worst case operating conditions on TSMC’s 65LP process. The performance boost comes from Intrinsity’s Fast14 1 of N Domino Logic (NDL) technology, which enables faster circuit speeds whilst minimising power consumption and area. Cortex-R4X processor implementations are said to bring higher capacity and higher data rates in high volume deeply embedded applications without increasing unit costs. “Mass storage, printing and networking applications need ever increasing levels of performance to handle higher data rates, more media services and new functionality such as encryption,” said Graham Budd, executive vice president and general manager of ARM’s processor division. “Through this relationship, we can extend the performance range of the Cortex-R4 processor to meet these requirements and those of new market domains.” Bob Russo, Intrinsity’s ceo, said: “By working closely with ARM on the development of the Cortex-R4X processor implementations, we will be able to reach a much broader base of designers who are looking for ways to achieve higher performance without sacrificing power efficiency and bring new SoCs to market quickly.”