Electronics industry unites against counterfeiters

1 min read

Industry leaders met yesterday at the Anti Counterfeiting Forum organised by UKEA and the Electronics Component Supply Network (ECSN).

Counterfeit electronic components entering the UK are estimated to cost the sector as much as £1billion annually. Adam Fletcher, chairman at ECSN, warned that the problem is not helped by OEMs outsourcing – particularly to the Far East, while environmental legislation is forcing manufacturers to reduce packaging, leaving customers to purchase extra components from less reliable sources. He added that pending additions to the WEEE and RoHS directives could further exacerbate the problem. Fletcher said: "Most of these components come from Asia, but are now so sophisticated they can often pass undetected through testing procedures. There is no 'silver bullet' to solve the problem and, while the government is making some improvement, I believe they must increase the penalty for those who get caught." As New Electronics reported this week, three people were charged with selling counterfeit chips to the Navy and other government agencies, facing possible prison sentences and fines of over $5million. A Q&A panel and discussion saw delegates call for a united front and for the industry to focus on the problem along the supply chain. Fletcher warned: "The problem is getting the message out there. The government has tried, but I don't believe that enough people are in 'receive mode'."