Flagship product gets even more accurate

Ansoft has updated its flagship product HFSS to version 11, adding greater accuracy, capacity and performance. HFSS v11 includes new higher order hierarchical basis functions, combined with an iterative solver that provides accurate fields using smaller meshes and thus more efficient solutions for large multiwavelength structures.

A new fault tolerant, high-quality finite element meshing algorithm is said to allows HFSS to simulate complex models up to five times faster using half of the memory compared to previous versions. “The new technology in HFSS v11 allows customers to perform massive simulations of structures that were simply too large to solve previously,” said Dr Zoltan Cendes, Ansoft’s chairman and chief technology officer. “Designers of high frequency and high speed components now have the ability to explore electromagnetic performance over a range of dimensions, orientations, material parameters and frequencies and hence to gain design insights that were not possible before.”