Formal verification platform upgrade said to bring x15 performance boost

1 min read

Cadence has announced the next generation of its JasperGold formal verification platform. The solution blends Cadence's Incisive formal technology with JasperGold into a platform that is said to deliver an improvement in performance of up to 15x compared with previous solutions.

Cadence has announced the next generation of its JasperGold formal verification platform. The solution blends Cadence's Incisive formal technology with JasperGold into a platform that is said to deliver an improvement in performance of up to 15x compared with previous solutions.

The company acquired Jasper about a year ago, but has decided to retain the Jasper branding. Pete Hardee, director of product management, formal and automated verification, said brand recognition was strong and claimed the Jasper architecture is 'very good, extensible and flexible'.

Design compilation and formal engine technologies from Incisive Formal Verifier and Incisive Enterprise Verifier have been included in the latest release, including the Trident multi-cooperating engines.

Hardee said there are many formal engines in the tool, all of which use different algorithms. "The traditional approach is to run them in parallel and see which engine wins. Trident allows engines to hand off properties from one to another, so the best engine is used at any stage.

JasperGold has also been integrated with the Incisive simulation and Palladium emulation platforms, while Visualize and QuietTrace technologies have been integrated with the Indago debug platform.