Glasgow pioneers free IP for industry
1 min read
The University of Glasgow has launched an initiative to offer free Intellectual Property to UK businesses and entrepreneurs in innovation led design and technology industries.
According to the university, cutting edge innovation, breakthrough medical and scientific research and patents will be immediately and directly available to those companies and individuals who can make best use of it, through a dedicated University of Glasgow portal.
By speeding up and simplifying IP transfer, the initiative aims to 'revolutionise' the relationship between academic research and commercial enterprises, leading to further collaboration with companies and long term industry partnerships. "We aim to transfer as much IP into commercial use as we can," said principal Anton Muscatelli, pictured.
The initiative has been endorsed by industrial funders and Research Councils UK and is expected to be particularly attractive to small and medium sized businesses.
"This move is of real importance to innovation led design firms, as it opens up the market and provides greater opportunities for commercial partnerships," added Maxine Horn, ceo of British Design Innovation.
Doug Richard, a former 'dragon' on the BBC TV series Dragon's Den, is also an enthusiastic supporter: "Providing easy access to University IP will increasingly be one of the key drivers that helps British business keep pace with global competitors. I welcome this bold move. It will give companies who make use of it the competitive edge."