The software solution features the ASIL D safety-certified µ-velOSity real-time operating system (RTOS), the µ-visor hypervisor for MCUs, Green Hills Compilers, and advanced MULTI debugger with system visualisation tools.
This combination will enable OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers to safely consolidate mixed-criticality ECU functions while reducing system complexity, helping to lower development cost and time-to-production while improving software reuse in new vehicle programs.
Emerging designs for next-generation vehicle electronics are having to adapt in order to accommodate the growth and consolidation of software features with advanced new electronics architectures. Consequently, customers require a flexible and performant compute platform that is able to safely consolidate hardware and software with freedom-from-interference while providing real-time performance, lower cost, and more system reliability.
In addition, time-to-market pressures require a software development environment that reduces the time and cost to develop, integrate, optimise, and deploy millions of lines of code in complex heterogenous multicore, multi-OS ECUs.
“As vehicle ECU functions are consolidated, automakers must ensure functional safety while reducing system complexity and development time,” said David Vieira, Senior Director, Automotive Zonal Solutions at NXP. “We’re pleased to partner with Green Hills to enable our new S32K5 MCU family with solutions to help automakers accelerate and streamline vehicle development without compromising on safety.”
Commenting Dan Mender, Vice President, Business Development, Green Hills Software said that by using the company’s comprehensive production-focused software solutions, customers would be able to develop next-generation zonal and domain controllers with the most, "performant, scalable, configurable offerings available."
This hardware/software solution is intended for automotive applications targeting up to ISO 26262 ASIL D certification such as zone controllers, domain controllers, premium body and safety controllers.
The S32K5 family of MCUs offers high performance, increased networking capability, and hardware-enforced safety isolation – all at low power consumption.
The production-focused software products and technologies from Green Hills provide a proven foundation for customers to efficiently develop and optimise their applications in next-generation SDV architectures.
With near-zero overhead, the Green Hills µ-visor hypervisor safely and securely consolidates multiple operating systems, such as AUTOSAR Classic or µ-velOSity, and their workloads in virtual machines. µ-visor can run one or more Guest OSes on a single Arm Cortex-R52 core with hardware-based enforcement to isolate Guest OSes and their applications.
The µ-velOSity RTOS has a small footprint and simple programming model and can run on any of the S32K5’s Cortex-M7 or Cortex-R52 real-time cores. Green Hills Optimising Compilers produce the smallest and highest performance code for Arm Cortex-M and Cortex-R cores. So together, they provide an ultra-efficient software foundation to take advantage of the S32K5’s expanded performance.
The S32K5 supports applications targeting ASIL D safety and ISO/SAE 21434 automotive cybersecurity. Likewise, the µ-velOSity RTOS and Green Hills Compilers and run-time libraries are certified to ISO 26262 ASIL D.
The MULTI integrated development environment (IDE) gives developers a unified view across all the running S32K5 real-time processor cores and OSes, such as AUTOSAR, FreeRTOS, or µ-velOSity, cutting development time and shortening time-to-production.
Time-saving advanced features include multicore OS-aware debugging, trace-powered TimeMachine back-in-time debugging, and the History viewer of system events.
To help resolve software problems earlier, MULTI includes a MISRA C Adherence Wizard and DoubleCheck that automatically analyses code during compilation, enabling engineers to detect and resolve problems more efficiently than stand-alone redundant-pass static code analysers.
The S32K5 platform is now available to early customers.