Ground broken for plastic electronics centre
The ground has been broken in the construction of PETeC, the plastic electronics technology centre being established in the North East. The £10million project is intended to create a national prototyping operation at the hub of a UK wide plastic electronics network.

PETeC will offer space, resource and expertise for companies to research and develop new technologies and their applications, and for prototyping and pre competitive mini manufacturing of products based on plastic electronics. Potential applications include smart packaging, real time newspapers and point of care medical diagnostic devices.
Dr Mike Pitkethly, CEO of Cenamps – which will host PETeC – said: “This centre will provide a bridge between the lab and the factory to facilitate the commercialisation of new products. It is crucial that the UK continues to offer the world class facilities for developing plastic electronic products, and PETeC will be integral to the UK’s competitiveness in this emerging group of technologies.”