Heterogeneous multiprocessor to handle large data volumes

1 min read

The Centre for Advancing Electronics Dresden will present Tomahawk 2 at DATE' 14, taking place in Dresden next week.

The latest Tomahawk chip is said to be 'extremely fast, energy efficient and resilient'. The device is a heterogeneous multiprocessor which can integrate different kinds of device and researchers at the Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) have used the prototype to prepare the 'tactile internet'. This is said to allow the transmission of very large data volumes enable 'completely new applications'. It gives as an example the ability to drive 'bumper to bumper', with sensors regulating the distance between cars. "This is the next step of the digital revolution," said Professor Gerhard Fettweis from TUD, who expects such systems to begin to appear in 2020. However, he added that powerful mobile networks will be needed to support these applications. Looking to develop these 5G mobile communication networks, TUD will collaborate with Kings College and the University of Surrey. Tomahawk 2 was also presented at the recent International Solid State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) in San Francisco.