Micro combines ARM Cortex-M3 with 2MByte Flash
1 min read
A 32bit mcu which combines a high speed ARM Cortex-M3 core with 3Mbytes of onboard Flash memory has been launched by Toshiba Electronics Europe (TEE) – an industry first according to the ic specialist.

The TMPM360 has been designed for industrial and digital consumer applications where high-performance, low-power operation, high-capacity data storage and a large number of serial interfaces must be delivered with minimum component count.
Addressing the growing demand for consumer products to store high volumes of application data, TEE says that in many cases the Flash ROM integrated into the its microcontroller will enable designers to address this requirement without the need for additional memory components.
The mcu incorporates 128Kbytes of onboard RAM and a static memory controller with a 16bit external data bus, designed to address up to 16Mbytes of off chip memory. An integrated direct memory access controller allows data to be transferred between internal and external memories. The device also includes a 10bit, high speed ADC, real time clock, watchdog timer and a 16 channel 16bit timer.