NanoKTN to assist BSI in review of nanotechnology standard

1 min read

The British Standards Institution (BSI) assisted by the NanoKTN, has confirmed it will be reviewing one of the founding nanotechnology standards, BSI PAS 71, Nanoparticle Vocabulary.

PAS 71 is in place to provide usable terms for the nanotechnology industries to determine internationally agreed terms and the NanoKTN is encouraging UK organisations to submit comments during the month long consultation starting in late September. BSI, with support from the former Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) - now Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) - has already developed a publically available specification for nanoparticle terminology which was published in 2005. The document gives guidance on the basic terminologies of 'nanoparticles' or 'ultrafines' and also some of the instrumental techniques that are used to routinely characterise such materials. Since this time, the document has led to the establishment of an International standards committee (ISO TC 229). According to the BSI, the revision will ensure the terms and definitions in PAS 71 are aligned with the terms and definitions contained within new nanotechnology terminologies developed and published by BSI, CEN and ISO. It will also make certain that PAS 71 continues to provide usable terms for the nanotechnologies industry in the continuing absence of a full suite of internationally agreed terms. The revision is also said to ensure the continued availability of a current UK document that can contribute to the ongoing development of nanoparticle-related terminology internationally. Experts in several areas are required to comment, namely those who have expertise in the nomenclature of nanotechnologies and also the field of measurement and characterisation of nanoparticles. As the NanoKTN will be assisting in the review process and sitting on the PAS 71 Steering Group, it is encouraging UK organisations to get involved and help shape the future direction of BSI nanotechnology standards. The consultation period for the standard is open for one month from 22nd September. Anyone wishing to submit comments during the consultation can do so by going to the BSI Draft Review System.