New scopes are ‘world’s fastest’
1 min read
Test and measurement specialist Tektronix has launched what it describes as ‘the world’s fastest’ oscilloscopes.

The DPO70000B digital phosphor oscilloscope and DSA70000B digital serial analyser have been designed to provide the best vertical noise performance, flat frequency response and the greatest effective number of bits. Tektronix says that the new models ‘provide the fastest available hardware based pattern triggering for advanced serial data bus speeds at rates up to 5Gb/s.’
In addition, Textronix’ SpeedBooster upgrade program enables engineers to increase the bandwidth from 4GHz to 6, 8, 12.5, 16 and 20GHz.
Brian Reich, Tektronix’ vice president, performance oscilloscopes, said: “Market demands faster performance and exacting precision. The new DPO/DSA70000B series provide superior performance where it counts with an unprecedented combination of banner specifications and analysis capabilities. The new models offer industry best signal fidelity, high sample rate, the lowest vertical noise and the flattest frequency response. They are ideal fo high speed serial data and other demanding applications.”