Op amp has lower noise, lower power consumption
Made using Intersil's precision bipolar process technology, the ISL28127 offers best in class performance for instrumentation, industrial and data acquisition applications. The part is a 40V low noise bipolar precision operational amplifier that features 20% lower noise than competing devices and which consumes 30% less power.

With a low frequency voltage noise performance of 3.0nV/vHz at 10Hz, and dc precision, with 70mV maximum offset voltage and 10nA maximum input bias current. It also features an offset voltage drift of 0.5mV/°C maximum and is unity gain stable over the -40 to 125°C temperature range. Operating from a supply in the range from 4.5 to 40V, the part has a gain bandwidth of 10MHz.
Key feature of the ISL28127 include: low noise gain error and high gain accuracy in 12 to 24bit signal front end applications; high dc precision for 12 to 24bit processing; simplified design in; and 4kV HBM esd protection.