Panel calls for measures to boost Japan’s solar cells

1 min read

The Japanese government is to unveil plans to increase its global share in solar cell production by more than one third by 2020.

A report is calling for government loans to help solar cell makers procure silicon and a programme to reclaim silicon from discarded cells. Solar cell production is seen as a prime alternative energy source, although Japan's share has fallen since the beginning of the decade when it produced almost half of the world's solar cells. The country is now entirely dependent on imports for silicon. The report has been prepared by the panel of officials from the ministry of economy, trade and industry, as well as companies such as Sharp, Sanyo Electric and Tokyo Electric Power and will be presented at a meeting of the council on economic and fiscal policy. The steps suggested are designed to expand the domestic solar market from one trillion to 10 trillion yen and boost Japan's current global market share from 25% to over 33%.