Researchers must take advantage of digital revolution says report
1 min read
A year long campaign has been launched to debate how digital technologies are changing not only what research can be done – but how it can be carried out.

The JISC Board comprises senior managers, academics and technology experts working in the UK further and higher education. According to JISC, the UK can only maintain its global reputation for quality research if researchers take advantage of the digital revolution.
JISC's deputy chair, Prof David Baker, said: "The way we research is changing, not slowly, not even overnight, but by the second. The UK knowledge economy is under threat; unless we continue to invest in research based upon digital technologies the UK will quickly fall behind."
To start the campaign a new video has been made available, introducing issues such as how to share data, the importance of collaboration and how to publish research work online.
JISC is also releasing an open science report written by UKOLN at the University of Bath and the Digital Curation Centre, which examines the impact making methodologies, data and results available on the internet, through transparent working practices. The report also looks at how technologies can support the sharing of data, workflows, methods and research outputs.
Prof Baker explained: "JISC's research campaign is happening at a time of potential crisis in research and as all our planned campaign activities will be shaped by you we want to hear what your issues and views are."