Semiconductor quartz crucibles and OEM parts rise 84%

1 min read

The 2010 market for crucibles and fabricated quartz OEM parts for semiconductor applications totalled $1.2billion, up 89% over the 2009 low, according to a new report from Techcet Group.

The Quartz for Semiconductor Applications 2011 - A Techcet Group Critical Materials Report states that the outlook is for continuing recovery with an additional 15% growth in 2011 and 1.5% in 2012. According to the report, growth will resume at 10% in 2013. According to the market analyst, hot and cold fabricated parts make up 60% of this market, with 20% each for crucibles and base materials (ingots, boules, rods, tubes). Fabricated quartz revenues doubled in 2010, despite some interruption at SEH from the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Parts for 300mm are said to be boosting revenues, even though this segment faces increasing competition from silicon carbide, silicon and ceramic fabricated parts. Sales for solar pv crucibles (not included in these numbers) outpaced semiconductor crucible revenues in 2010 in what is expected to be a short term bubble, as excess pv capacity moves into production. Inventory restocking has been driving the buying frenzy in quartz ingots, rods and tubes, pushing lead times out to six months or longer. In addition to market analysis, technical trends and critical supply chain issues, the report highlights a new high purity sand supplier that has finally emerged. The report also provides an overview of the quartz crucible and OEM parts market that supports semiconductor device manufacturing.