Silicon Creations and Achronix look to improve high-speed trading performance

1 min read

Silicon Creations, a supplier of high-performance analogue and mixed-signal IP, is partnering with Achronix Semiconductor, in a move designed to develop more performance and design flexibility into high-speed trading systems.

The partnership will look to optimise the data path from the SerDes interface to and from Achronix eFPGA IP, adding flexibility and performance in algorithmic trading applications.

High-frequency trading (HFT) systems are usually proprietary designs that require both high levels of performance and low-latency silicon. ASICs are often a key component of such designs, but eFPGA IP weaved into ASICs can also deliver the performance and programmability that leading-edge systems require.

Silicon Creations provides SerDes PMAs optimised for ultra-low latency optical connections for HFT Ethernet interfaces with in-PMA latency below 1.3 ns as well as multiprotocol SerDes PMAs supporting Ethernet 10G-KR, PCIe4, and many others.

“We’re ready to provide tailored IP for HFT ASICs in 12/16nm FinFET,” said Randy Caplan, co-founder and executive VP at Silicon Creations. “Engineers who need to stay at the front of today’s latency race must make a critical architectural decision: FPGA or ASIC? We think our partnership with Achronix offers the perfect blend of both technologies to drive improvements in programmable algorithmic trading.”

“Our partnership with Silicon Creations offers a UDP-to-TCP loopback latency of under 10 ns which is not possible with standalone FPGAs,” said Steve Mensor, VP of Marketing and Strategic Planning at Achronix. “Together, we enable customers to create significant differentiation in their HFT systems by leveraging Achronix Speedcore eFPGA IP and Silicon Creations SerDes IP integrated into a customer’s ASIC.”