VI-Grade presents Driver-in-Motion Full Spectrum Simulator

1 min read

VI-grade, a leading provider of human-centric simulation-driven vehicle development solutions, has announced the launch of its Driver-in-Motion Full Spectrum (DiM FSS) Simulator.

Credit: VI-Grade

According to the company this is groundbreaking technology and a true game-changer in experimental simulation.

The Driver-in-Motion Full Spectrum Dynamic Simulator (DiM FSS) is a real-time, Driver-in-the-Loop simulator that offers a comprehensive experience of accurate motion, vibration, and sound over a complete spectrum from 0 to 20kHz.

It is said to be the first simulator capable of generating full vehicle motion with 9 degrees of freedom over a multi-meter workspace, paired with precise sound and vibration, creating a fully immersive experience.

Historically, vehicle dynamics and NVH evaluations were conducted separately, even though driving integrates dynamics, ride quality, sound, and vibration. The most effective evaluation method combines these elements into a single simulation. The DiM FSS addresses this demand through its multi-stage system, capturing vehicle dynamics, motion, vibration, and sound for a holistic, realistic experience.

To achieve this, the DiM FSS employs a three-stage approach:

  • Lower Stage: Delivers primary vehicle motion.
  • Middle Stage: Provides full 6 DOF motion.
  • Hyperdock Stage: Features a highly optimised carbon-fibr cockpit that delivers high-frequency vibration through transducers at key driver touchpoints, while sound is provided through in-cockpit speakers or headphones.

This design reduces mass, increases structural stiffness, and enhances overall simulation performance, providing the most immersive environment for multi-attribute evaluation. Additionally, all VI-grade actuator-based and cable-driven dynamic simulators can be upgraded with the new Hyperdock.

Commenting David Bogema, Senior Director, Product Management at VI-grade, said, "The DiM FSS Simulator represents a quantum leap in experimental simulation, seamlessly integrating vehicle dynamics, motion, vibration, and sound into one immersive experience. Two units have already been sold, with the first one to be delivered to our customer in a few weeks."