Virtual catalogue ‘like nothing seen before’

1 min read

Mouser Electronics has introduced a virtual catalogue which, it claims, will 'eclipse all other electronic component e-catalogues in features, capabilities, timeliness and speed'.

"We are proud to launch this new e-catalogue," said Hayne Shumate, Mouser's vp of internet business, "and believe customers will find its options for online catalogue browsing and ordering like none they have seen before." Customers can browse, search and buy products without leaving the e-catalogue, says Mouser, with the ability to access such features as product availability, extended prices, detailed specifications and alternative images. The catalogue is available from the Mouser homepage. Shumate added: "One of our goals was to reproduce online the ease of product browsing that has made our paper catalogue so popular. Customers have been excited about their ability to explore and find products with this tool. Viewing extended product attributes, spec sheets, and inventory within the pages has also been popular." Visitors to the site can move between the e-catalogue and the traditional Web site. Other features include: View product availability and specifications; Order products; Search by keyword or part number; Browse product taxonomy in 11 languages; Browse suppliers by name; access a 20 page history; and assign bookmarks for up to 100 pages Mouser's e-catalogue is based on Microsoft Silverlight and Shumate said Silverlight was chosen because of its flexibility, scalability and cross browser support.