Xilinx ships first fpga device to break 2Tb/s bandwidth barrier
1 min read
Xilinx has announced shipments of the Virtex-7 X690T fpga, said to combine the industry's most reliable high speed serial transceivers, highest system bandwidth and market optimised fpga resources.

According to Xilinx, the fpga is the first of a set of devices in the 7 series to address advanced high performance Wired Communication applications that require low power single chip solutions.
The devices are designed to enable fast, scalable and easy to implement chip to chip serial interfaces, robust 10GBASE-KR backplanes that maximise bandwidth, while supporting the various board to board distances of next generation communication systems.
Even greater system capacity and bandwidth can be achieved from the Virtex-7 X1140T fpga, built using 3d stacked silicon interconnect technology on the 7 series fpga scalable optimised architecture.
Shipments of footprint compatible Virtex-7 X1140T fpgas with 96 GTH transceivers will follow in May.
"Xilinx has taken its years of experience in serial transceivers – having shipped to date over 75% of all fpgas that include serial transceivers – and combined that with the innovative low power, 28nm 7 series fpga architecture to deliver a highly optimised family for the wired communication marketplace," said Tim Erjavec, senior director of FPGA platforms at Xilinx. "Customers can confidently implement their designs starting with Virtex-7 X690T fpgas today and move up to larger fpgas that provide the market optimised ratio of resources when higher integration is required."