Digital I/O modules target signal critical desktop applications

Goepel electronic has introduced two new Jtag digital I/O modules on PXI bus basis. The PXI5396-DT/x devices support structural Jtag/boundary scan tests as well as dynamic I/O operations up to 100MHz for functional test executions.

An impedance controlled VPC interface is included for direct coupling to signal critical load boards or other verification environments. As a result, Goepel says users can now utilise only one test hardware for both laboratory verification and in the production line with fixture based systems. "Our new modules particularly meet the demands for unique solutions in the lab and production for safety critical application in industry segments such as space and avionics, defence or public transport", said Stefan Meissner, marketing manager, Goepel. "This compatibility generates synergy effects by test program adoption opportunities. Additionally, it allows the implementation of a deterministic test depth already in prototype verification, completely reproducible later in the production area." The PXI 5396-DT/x modules are based on a two component solution, consisting of a PXI supported interface module and an offset desktop module. The separation of the modules can be up to 2m without loss of performance. The desktop unit is equipped with a front connector developed by Virginia Panel Corporation, which allows the module to be connected directly to the test environment.