Boundary Scan fixture enables structural test of AMC modules for ATCA systems

Goepel electronic has announced the launch of CION Fixture /AMC, a new interface test fixture on the basis of the CION Fixture range.

The fixture is compatible with the standard of Advanced Mezzanin Cards (AMC) for advanced telecommunication computing architecture (ATCA) systems and comes with a preset AMC slot, in which the card is inserted and connected to a test access port (TAP) at the same time. The integrated IEEE 1149.1 and IEEE1149.6 test channels allow a structural test of all high speed and low speed signal pins. "The AMC Mezzanin architecture allows highly modular ATC system solutions with standard interfaces for high speed signals like PCI Express or Gigabit LAN, which we are now able to test structurally with our new CION fixture already in the prototype stage," said Karl Miles, UK sales manager of Goepel electronics in the UK. "Using our new fixture, the testing gets more effective, and potential faults can be analysed faster and more precise, which saves money in the end." The CION Fixture /AMC supports compact, mid-size, and full-size modules with AMC B+ interface and is compatible with the PICMG AMC.0 R2.0 standard. The signal pins are tested via a dot1/dot6 interconnection test using a CION Module /FXT114S which is inserted into the fixture. For this, the AMC board must be equipped with corresponding IEEE1149.x test structures. In this connection, the scan path architecture can be configured flexibly. The new hardware module is fully supported by all Boundary Scan controllers of the ScanBooster and Scanflex family as well as by the Boundary Scan software platform System Cascon. This means the user can integrate the CION Fixture/AMC easily in a test project, can generate the necessary test vectors automatically (ATPG), debug interactively if necessary, and visualise the faults graphically in the layout on the pin and net level.