The bq76PL455A-Q1 is said to enable accurate computation of a battery pack’s state of charge and state of health by measuring cell voltage and also provides active and passive cell-balancing support to extract the maximum amount of energy from the battery. Passive cell balancing compensates for charging voltage mismatches, while active cell balancing maximises the amount of each charge. For hybrid and electric vehicles, TI says this can lead to a decreased production cost for manufacturers while supporting an increased mileage range for drivers.
System integrators can use the bq76PL455A-Q1 to develop innovative battery management systems including considerations for efficiencies and safety.
The bq76PL455A-Q1 evaluation module (bq76PL455EVM) and bq76PL455A-Q1-EVM-GUI-SW graphical user interface tool enables customers to evaluate device features and performance to help speed time to market. A TI Design reference design is also available for step-by-step guidance for passive balancing.