Module to speed connected smart object development

Looking to help designers to streamline the prototyping and development of connected smart objects, STMicroelectronics has created the SPBTLE-1S, said to be a ready-to-use Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) module that integrates all the components needed to complete the radio subsystem. The module integrates ST’s BlueNRG-1 application-processor SoC and balun, high-frequency oscillators and a chip antenna.

According to the company, developers can use the module to bypass hardware-design and RF-circuit layout challenges. BQE approved and meeting FCC, IC and Radio Equipment Directive requirements, the module includes a Bluetooth 4.2 certified BLE protocol stack.

Supplied in a package with a footprint of 11.5 x 13.5mm, the module requires a supply in the range from 1.7 to 3.6V and has an RF output power of +5dBm.

Alongside an ARM Cortex-M0 core with 160Kbyte of flash and 24kbyte of RAM, the SoC features a security co-processor and a DC/DC converter intended to ensure optimum energy efficiency.