The R&S RT-ZHD high voltage differential probes are intended for measurements on modern power semiconductors. With a bandwidth of up to 200 MHz, they can measure very fast switching edges. The common mode rejection across the entire frequency range effectively suppresses fast-switching common mode signals.
There are four different models with maximum peak voltages from 750 V to 6000 V.
The integrated offset compensation operates independently of probe attenuation and the oscilloscope’s vertical settings and makes it possible to measure even very small ripple voltages with a large DC component. Thanks to an offset compensation of up to 2000 V, the R&S RT-ZHD probes cover a very large range of measurement applications.
At ± 0.5 percent, the R&S RT-ZHD high-voltage differential probes can provide improved DC measuring accuracy. They feature an integrated R&S ProbeMeter that measures DC offset with ± 0.1 percent accuracy. The readings are displayed directly on the oscilloscope.
Complete integration of the R&S RT-ZHD probes into the user interface of R&S’s oscilloscopes eliminates erroneous readings. The oscilloscopes can automatically recognise the configured attenuation factor as well as all other probe settings, so they always display the correct voltages and reliably detect incidents such as overvoltage. Probe functions can also be accessed via the SCPI remote control interface, making the probes a good choice for automated tests. The R&S RT-ZHD probes are compatible with both the new R&S RTM3000 and R&S RTA4000 embedded oscilloscopes as well as the Windows-based R&S RTE1000 and R&S RTO2000 oscilloscopes.
Two other new additions are the R&S RT-ZD002 and R&S RT-ZD003 differential probes with maximum input voltages up to 700 V and 1400 V, respectively. These 25 MHz probes boast very low inherent noise for their class of around 7 mV (RMS) and 14 mV (RMS), respectively. Their BNC interface makes them compatible with the R&S RTC1000, R&S RTB2000 and all standard oscilloscopes.