Alliance for high performance semiconductor development

1 min read

A new alliance will see the opening of a major new development facility along with several new programs dedicated to the research and development of advanced power management semiconductor technologies.

Intersil's alliance with the Georgia Institute of Technology involves an on-campus analogue processing centre of excellence (ACE) and research efforts across multiple Georgia Tech facilities. The coalition will result in a new 4,300ft2 ACE Centre on campus. At the Georgia Electronic Design Centre (GEDC), Intersil engineers, along with Georgia Tech students and faculty, will focus on creating advanced power management circuit designs. Intersil and the Institute will also engage in joint development through a strategic alliance on advanced process technology development for semiconductors used in high voltage power management and distribution. The new centre will also focus on a technique known as collaborative signal processing that removes performance limiting impairments such as signal loss, dispersion, skew and noise. Dave Bell, ceo at Intersil, said: "The clean and efficient generation, transmission and storage of power are key challenges of the 21st century. Intersil is delighted to be working closely with one of the world's finest educational institutions to develop innovative technologies that will meet our needs for smarter, greener and more efficient power solutions."