Big brother is watching them

1 min read

Active RFID specialist, Wavetrend has installed technology designed to track housemates in the 2009 Celebrity Big Brother series.

The tracking system allows the show’s producers to monitor the movements and habits of the housemates. The data can then be analysed, supplying crucial information such as where the celebrities spend most of their time and which housemates they are in closest contact with. Wavetrend installed 15 readers across various points in the house allowing viewers to watch the house floor plan via a studio display. Saleem Miyan, Wavetrend’s ceo explained: “Our technology is primarily used for tracking high value assets, people and vehicles. When we were approached by Endemol, we thought Celebrity Big Brother sounded like an exciting and fun project and something we could easily configure our technology to suit. We had to react quickly to the brief, but believe we have installed a solution that will prove valuable to the show’s producers, and equally interesting for the viewers.”