Call for responsible nanotechnology development
1 min read
European Trade Unions and European environmental NGOs will call on industry and governments to pursue the responsible development of nanotechnologies.
They will also request precautionary measures to be implemented that can prevent harm to the user and the environment.
Conference Objectives at the NanoCap conference European Trade Unions and Environmental NGOs will present their positions and perspectives on nanotechnologies at the workplace and in the environment.
In subsequent panel discussions these positions will be submitted to MEPs, representatives from the European Commission, industry, consumer associations and the scientific community. The discussions will mainly concern options for European policies and priorities for the responsible development of nanotechnologies, especially regarding environmental and workplace safety.
STOA will present its assessment of the potential and policy implications of nanotechnologies. A portfolio of nano ethical issues will also be presented.
NanoCap is a European project with the aim to build critical capacity for European Trade Unions and Environmental NGOs. The project sought to identify and articulate uncertainties with respect to the risks and benefits for society and to deepen the understanding of environmental, occupational health and safety risks and ethical aspects of nanotechnologies.