New software supports Xilinx MicroBlaze Softcore architecture
Goepel electronic has announced the development of a dedicated model library for Xilinx MicroBlaze Softcore architecture. The software, unveiled at electronica 2010, supports the emulation technology VarioTAP.

The VarioTAP models, are said to be structured modularly as intelligent IP and enable a fusion of Boundary Scan test and JTAG emulation. The company claims that by employing this technology, embedded or external Flash can be in-system programmed via the native processor function. VarioTAP supports interlaced Bus Emulation Tests (BET) and System Emulation Tests (SET) for extended JTAG/Boundary Scan functionality.
"Now we are able to execute respective hardware configurations. Subsequently, we can implement fpga central test and programming strategies up to real time operations and problem specific diagnosis procedures in one run," said Thomas Wenzel, pictured, managing director of Goepel's JTAG Boundary Scan Division.