Plug and play for nanoGSM picocell launched

1 min read

IP Access has announced it has 'significantly enhanced' the capabilities of the nanoGSM product range with a new system release 4.1 that supports 'plug and play' customer self installation and a range of other features which extend the performance and capabilities of the system.

The 2G and 3G specialist says by enabling customers to directly install the nanoGSM BTS on their own premises, mobile operators can save up to half the total cost of a picocell deployment . This, in turn, expands the range of sites and businesses where nanoGSM can be deployed economically. The system includes automated BTS pre configuration prior to delivery and templated site creation within the BSC. Once the picocell has been installed, it connects automatically with the chosen BSC and can then either come directly into service, or send a notification to the network management system for the site to be finalised with automated handover configuration. According to IP Access, the new system release 4.1 expands and extends the features and performance of the nanoGSM picocell. Enhancements include a new capability to hand over a call directly from a nanoGSM BTS to the operator's 3G network and a dynamic AMR capability which enables greater call density per BTS. IP Access' ceo, Stephen Mallinson, said: "It's a misconception that picocells are hard to deploy; in fact installing picocells is easy. Our plug'n'play capabilities make it possible for the installation to be carried out by the end-customer, saving substantial costs."