Renesas Electronics structure announced

1 min read

NEC Electronics and Renesas Technology have announced the new organisation structure and personnel changes of the new integrated company Renesas Electronics.

The new company will be formed on April 1, when the business integration of the two entities is completed. Renesas Electronics will be structured with seven business units that conduct business operations and technology development, and 10 staff units. The seven business units will be broken down as follows: • Sales management unit that constructs and executes sales strategies and measures on a global scale • SoC business unit responsible for businesses in industrial and imaging areas • SoC business unit that promotes SoC businesses for the field of home multimedia • MCU business unit that is in charge of the company's microcontroller business • Analogue and power devices power unit that promotes businesses such as power devices, mixed signal ICs, display systems, optical and microwave devices • Technology development unit that formulates technology strategy and promotes technology development • Production and technology unit that is in charge of the developing production plans and technology development and investment plans, as well as manufacturing management of the company's plants and manufacturing affiliates