SuVolta technology in volume production with image processor

Volume production has started of the first chip to feature SuVolta's Deeply Depleted Channel (DDC) transistor technology.

The MB86S22AA image processor is being manufactured by Fujitsu on its CS250S 55nm process. According to the company's the processor – called Milbeaut – consumes 30% less power while offering twice the processing performance of existing products. "The Milbeaut chip exemplifies the power-performance advantages of a DDC enabled process technology, while demonstrating its manufacturability," said Bruce McWilliams, SuVolta's president and CEO. Fujitsu is the first licensee of SuVolta's DDC technology. Since the collaboration was announced in June 2011, the companies have successfully brought up the DDC technology at the 65nm and 55nm nodes. Amane Inoue, corporate senior vice president at Fujitsu Semiconductor, said: "By collaborating with SuVolta to bring up ultra low power DDC transistor 65nm and 55nm processes, Fujitsu is not only enabling advancements in our asics, but will also enhance the designs of COT customers."