Trusted Objects' software secure element, called to-protect, is a root-of-trust for generic microcontrollers (MCUs).
Designed for use with IoT devices in which MCUs have limited computing and communication capabilities, it enables onboard generation of unique device identities and cryptographic keys, secure storage, and secure boot. It has been designed to provide the foundation for device authentication and secure data transfer and supports a variety of communication protocols.
Suitable for new and retrofit applications, the secure element can be easily downloaded onto any generic MCU platform without hardware changes.
Crypto Quantique’s QuarkLink platform works with to-protect to add secure provisioning, automated secure onboarding to on-premises or cloud platforms, security monitoring, and certificate and key renewal or revocation for to-protect customers and their end-users.
Technology agnostic, QuarkLink enables thousands of IoT devices to be securely connected to servers through cryptographic APIs in a few minutes. This is achieved with a few keystrokes via the platform’s simple graphical user interface.
Crypto Quantique’s CEO, Dr. Shahram Mossayebi, said, “With billions of IoT devices already deployed, many of them with little or no device-level security, the combination of a downloadable software root-of-trust and an easy-to-use, end-to-end security platform could prevent thousands of cyberattacks in the coming months and years. Such attacks are growing at an alarming rate and our partnership with Trusted Objects creates the most robust and most easily deployed defence against them.”
Hervé Roche, VP of Marketing at Trusted Objects, added, “We are always looking for ways to make IoT device security easier for our customers to implement. When we were introduced to QuarkLink, it was immediately obvious that combining it with to-protect would simplify and accelerate deployment security in connected embedded systems, both in new designs and legacy networks. Crypto Quantique’s technologies perfectly complement our own.”