TDK-Lambda adds to GWS series of green power supplies
1 min read
TDK-Lambda has announced the GWS500 series of green power supplies.

Compliant with the energy saving requirements of the ErP directive, the new 500W ac/dc module uses innovative design techniques to combine high efficiency, high power density and low standby power.
TDK says it is well suited to a range of industrial applications (including ATE, automation and instrumentation), and combines a 1U form factor with 105 x 218mm footprint and 90% typical efficiency to achieve a power density of 8.7W/in3.
Offered in four models, the GWS500 is designed to supply nominal outputs of 12, 24, 36 and 48V. Outputs can be user adjusted by up to 20% depending on the model type, and the 24 and 36V models have a peak power rating of 600W.
With a flat efficiency curve averaging at 89%, from 25 to 100% load, the GWS500 operates from -25 to 70°C with suitable derating. It is reverse fan cooled to mitigate contamination risk. All models operate from an 85 to 264Vac input with active power factor correction to ensure EN61000-3-2 compliance.