Spreadtrum announces ‘world’s first’ single chip Quad-SIM standby solution
1 min read
Chinese fabless semiconductor provider, Spreadtrum Communications has announced what it claims to be the world's first Quad-SIM in single chip solution.

According to Spreadtrum, the SC6600L6 allows up to four GSM SIM cards to run simultaneously in a single mobile handset, enabling users to switch between them. It allows four GSM SIM cards simultaneously running on standby mode with one set of baseband and rf. It integrates a processor engine and controller for supporting quadruple SIM cards and has an improved graphic user interface for Quad-SIM. The product has been designed to support different multi-SIM options, including dual SIM, triple SIM, and Quad-SIM in a single set of baseband and rf chips.
"The Quad-SIM solution is another invention resulting from our continuing effort of technology innovation," said Dr Leo Li, Spreadtrum's president and ceo. "Spreadtrum is also the inventor of the world's first dual SIM and triple SIM solution. We are dedicated to increasing the value of our products by providing attractive features to our customers. The Quad-SIM solution offers unparalleled flexibility for multiple-operator-market and business users who need to keep constant connection."